Personal Projects ✨

Some side projects I have built during my free time. Each demonstrates something new that I learned while building them...

Full Stack Progressive Web App
Productivity app for managing day to day tasks. You can create new items, add deadlines add categories to it, sort, search and filter them. It's a progressive web app built using ReactJS, Material UI and Firebase.Demo
Responsive UI
Netflix Homepage UI Clone
Netflix Homepage's UI Clone built with ReactJS and flexbox. Movies and Shows data is fetched from TMDB API. It also has the ability to watch trailers. Demo
External API
Spotify Minimal Clone
Simple Spotify clone where you can login using your spotify account and see your playlists. You can also play these songs demo provided by the Spotify API.Demo
Real-time Video Calling
Face to Face
Multi-client video calling and chatting application with abilities to pause video and mute audio. Similar to Google Meet and ZoomDemo